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Sale Medical Centre is trots om die plaaslike gemeenskap te ondersteun.
Nuwe pasiënte welkom. Ons grootmaatrekeninge vir kinders onder 16 en pensioen-, konsessiekaarthouers.
Sale Medical Centre en die dokters verskaf al meer as 28 jaar gesondheidsorg aan die Sale-gemeenskap. Ons is daartoe verbind om hoë gehalte sorg aan jou en jou gesin te verskaf.
Ons is 'n groepspraktyk in familiebesit en streef daarna om 'n 'sentrum van uitnemendheid' te wees in die opleiding van praktisyns, mediese studente en verpleegstudente.
Sale Medical Centre bedryf nou klinieke in Maffra en Loch Sport.
Home: Welcome
Our locations
To improve access to healthcare in the Sale area we now operate in 3 locations. We have a unified health record system so patients do not need to worry about have records transferred between sites. We have a unified phone system that makes communication across sites seamless.
Verkoop Mediese Sentrum
Ma - Vry: 8:30 - 17:30
Sat: 9vm - 12nm
Son: Gesluit
The Clinic is closed Saturday 20th January and Saturday 27th January for Construction Work
Ligging & Kontak
Pearsonstraat 73, Sale VIC 3850, Australië
(03) 5144 5766
(03) 5143 1609 9 FAKS
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